TradingDimensions Downloads

You are welcome to download free test version of our trading expert systems to see how they work and to stay familiar with their advantages. Dounloaded test version will work with MetaTrader Strategy tester on historical data and about two weeks in live. This is a enough to understand the potential of the systems and where they are strong and where not good enough. This is more important for 5d system for which we have prepared for you some examples of Best and Worst cases.

In addition here is available trial version of our AT&CF Indicators. TradingDimensions AT&CF indicators package is already separate product and you can purchase it here. If you want to test our expert systems you have to download AT@CF indicators together with the system.

Contact Name:


FiveDimensions System (5d) trial version


EightDimensions System (8d) trial version


AT&CF indicators trial version*


* AT&CF indicators are available here with kind assistance and permission of Finware (


To ensure trouble-free downloads, please follow these steps:


Fill "Contact Name" and "E-mail" fields. They are optional!


Click the "Download" button and your browser will load a new page and the file will begin downloading automatically. If your download does not begin, or you encounter errors, you will find alternate link on the page.


A new window appears asking you "Whould you like to open the file or save it to your computer?".


Select for example "Save this file to the computer" rather than "Open".


Now, you will be asked to select a folder (directory) in your hard drive where the ZIP file will be saved. Do not save it on your desktop. Good idea is to save in some empty directory where you will unzip the file.

Finally, the download process is successfully completed and if you have downloaded ZIP-compressed archive (PC files that have been compressed have a ".zip" extension) you must follow four steps in order to use it:


Copy it into an empty directory.


Decompress it (using WinZip).


Install it by copying *.exp file to Experts directory of installed MetaTrader. The path to copy looks something like that:

..\Program Files\MetaTrader\experts

Note: _td indicators you have to copy in ..\Program Files\MetaTrader\experts\indicators\ directory but templit file (*.tpl) if exist in ..\Program Files\MetaTrader\profiles\templates\.


Next you need to start your MetaTrader and to see in Expert Advisors list. There you can find new expert advisor. Add it to your graphics and start to test or use the system.

1) Keep the version of your MetaTrader as new as possible.
2) If the expert and _tdFATL, _tdRFTL, _tdSATL, _tdRSTL, _tdFTLM, _tdSTLM, _tdRBCI, _tdPCCI indicators not appearing in the list, compile any expert and then you will see them in the Navigator window.

If you need a utility to help you with "zipped" PC files, please visit to download the WinZip utility.


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